منتـدى طريــق النــَّجاح

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله تعالى و بركاته

أهلاً و سهلاً و مرحبًا بمن أتانــَا ^_^،،
نتمنى لكـ قضاء وقتٍ طيّبٍ ومفيدٍ في أرجاء منتديات طريــق النــَّجاح،،
للحصول على كافّة الصّلاحيات والمشاركة معنا تفضّل بـالتسجيل،
أو تفضّل بالدخول إن كنتَ مسجّلاً..

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

منتـدى طريــق النــَّجاح

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله تعالى و بركاته

أهلاً و سهلاً و مرحبًا بمن أتانــَا ^_^،،
نتمنى لكـ قضاء وقتٍ طيّبٍ ومفيدٍ في أرجاء منتديات طريــق النــَّجاح،،
للحصول على كافّة الصّلاحيات والمشاركة معنا تفضّل بـالتسجيل،
أو تفضّل بالدخول إن كنتَ مسجّلاً..

منتـدى طريــق النــَّجاح

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

~*¤ô§ô¤*~ ..نريدُ جيلاً يفلحُ الآفاقْ.. نريدُ جيلاً.. رائداً.. عملاقْ.. ~*¤ô§ô¤*~

الرَّوابـط منتهية الصَّلاحيَّة نظرا لانتهاء صلاحية بعض الرَّوابط الخاصة بحفظ ملفات مهمة للطلبة و التي يصعب علينا إيجادها إلا بواسطة الوافدين من أجلها، نطلب من كل عضو يجد رابطًا منتهي الصلاحية أن يبلِّغ الإدارة أو المشرف على القسم عن الموضوع الذي يحوي رابطًا تالفًا من أجل إعادة رفع الملفات و تعميم الفائدة على الجميع، وبارك الله فيكم..
حملـة تجديد الرَّوابـط بشرى إلى كل الطلبة الذين راسلونا بخصوص موضوع الأخت خولة دروس و تمارين في الكيمياء و الذي يحوي ملفات قيمة انتهت صلاحية روابطها، نـُعلمكم أنَّه تمَّ إعادة رفع الملفات و تجديد الرَّوابط، و فيما يخص بقيَّة المواضيع فالبحث عن ملفاتها جارٍ حاليا من أجل إعادة رفعها..  لكل استفساراتكم و اقتراحاتكم أو للتبليغ عن روابط أخرى نحن في الخدمة، وفـَّقكم الله إلى كلِّ الخيــر..
دعــاء اللهم احفظ إخواننا المسلمين في ليبيا و اليمن و مصر و تونس و سوريا و البحرين و سائر بلاد المسلمين و احقن دماءهم و آمنهم في أنفسهم و أموالهم، اللهم اشف مرضاهم و ارحم موتاهم و وحد كلمتهم و ول عليهم خيارهم... آمين يا رب العالمين.
اللغة العربية الرجاء من جميع الأعضاء الالتزام باللغة العربية الفصيحة أثناء التحاور في مختلف أركان المنتدى و ذلك حرصًا منا على السمو بلغتنا العربية لغة القرآن الكريم.
مقولات ‎بعـض الكلمات تستقر فِي القلوبِ كرؤوسِ الإبر، متى تـحركت.. أوْجعت أقصى مراحل النضج هي عندما تؤمن بأن لديك شيئًا تمنحه للعالم إن أنجح الطرق للوصول إلى التعاسة هو كتمانك إحساسك بالألم داخلك عندما يخبرك شخص ما بسر، فإنه يسلبك رد فعلك التلقائي تجاه شخص آخر يمكنك أن تتعلم من أخطاء الآخرين، لكنك لا تنضج إلا عندما ترتكب أخطاءك أنت إذا كنت تعيش في الماضي فإنك لست على قيد الحياة الآن الطريق للجنون هو أن تحاول إسعاد الجميع طوال الوقت امنح تقديرك، تفهمك، دعمك و حبك، ولكن من منطلق القوة. العطاء من منطلق ضعف هو مجرد نوع من التسول التردد و المماطلة و التأجيل أشبه ببطاقة ائتمان: لذيذ استعمالها إلى حين وصول الفاتورة  تعلَّم من النملة؛ فهي لا تبحث عن المداخل، بل تصنعها من يأبى اليوم قبول النصيحة التي لا تكلفه شيئا فسوف يضطر في الغد إلى شراء الأسف بأغلى سعر الوقت يداوي كل شيء؛ فقط أعطِ الوقت وقته الحجج الواهية لا تقنع أحداً، حتى ذلك الذي يتذرع بها لا يقاس النجاح بالموقع الذي يتبوأه المرء في حياته.. بقدر ما يقاس بالصعاب التي يتغلب عليها خيبة الأمل دليل على أن الأمل كان في غير محله في اليوم الذي لا تواجه فيه أية مشاكل، تأكد أنك في الطريق غير الصحيح يوجد دائماً من هو أشقى منك، فابتسم لعله من عجائب الحياة أنك إذا رفضت كل ما هو دون مستوى القمة فإنك دائما تصل إليها لكي تتفادى كل صور الإنتقادات: لا تفعل شيئا، و لا تقل شيئا، و كن لا شيء.

    2/ اختبار لغة انجليزية * قطر*

    مديــر المنتـدى
    مديــر المنتـدى

    تاريخ التسجيل : 15/03/2008
    عـدد الرسائــل : 1081
    الجنس : انثى
    العمــل : طالب
    الهوايـة : المطالعة
    الموقـع : 2/ اختبار لغة انجليزية * قطر* 610
    أوسمة العضو : 2/ اختبار لغة انجليزية * قطر* Empty

    2/ اختبار لغة انجليزية * قطر* Empty 2/ اختبار لغة انجليزية * قطر*

    مُساهمة من طرف °ChOuMeiSsA° 22.06.08 17:06

    السلام عليكم و رحمة الله تعالى و بركاته

    هذا هو الاختبار الثاني في سلسلة اختبارات اللغة الإنجليزية التي تحدثت عنها سابقا، أتمنى أن يضع كل واحد محاولته في هذه المواضيع حتى نتمكن بإذن الله من إيجاد الحل النموذجي لها..


    Scientific Section - First Semester 2001/2002


    A. Read the following paragraph topics.Then skim read the text and write the number of the paragraph next to the correct topic:
    a ( ) Producing penicillin as a medicine.
    b ( ) Penicillin helps with new discoveries.
    c ( ) The discovery of penicillin.
    d ( ) Fleming sees something very interesting.
    e ( ) Beginning research at St. Mary’s Hospital.
    f ( ) The first 21 years.

    1 /Alexander Fleming was born on a farm in Scotland in 1881. When he was thirteen, he went to live with his brother, who was a doctor in London. In 1902, Fleming passed the university examinations and was able to become a student. An uncle had left him some money when he died, so he had enough money to pay for his studies. He went to medical school at St. Mary’s Hospital. This was part of the University of London.
    2 /After the First World War, Fleming specialized in bacteriology, the study of bacteria. In 1924 he became professor of bacteriology at St. Mary’s Hospital. The hospital was famous for research in bacteriology and Dr. Fleming continued the research. He wanted to find a substance that would attack harmful bacteria. He had to find something that was harmless to the people with the bacteria.
    3 /In 1928, he was studying the bacteria that caused a painful skin disease. He was growing these bacteria on small plates, so he could study them. One day, he noticed that some mould was growing on the plate. The microscope showed that the bacteria near the mould had died.
    4 /Dr. Fleming took the mould and put it with more bacteria of the same kind. These germs were also destroyed. He continued his experiments for many years. His research showed that the substance killed germs and was a powerful antibiotic. He also showed that it was harmless to people. He called the substance penicillin.
    5 /Dr. Fleming was a great bacteriologist, but he did not have as much knowledge of biochemistry. He had to wait until 1940 for biochemists to find a way of producing penicillin as a chemical substance. After this, penicillin could be used as a medicine. This research was done by two biochemists at the University of Oxford.
    6 /Penicillin has saved many lives in the world. This is the reason that Alexander Fleming was given the Nobel Prize. The discovery of penicillin also showed the
    way for the discovery of other wonderful substances that fight germs. We now have antibiotics that deal with almost all known bacteria, and they can be used on animals and plants as well as on people.

    B. Circle the best title for the article:
    1.Fleming does research in bacteriology
    2.How Fleming’s discoveries changed medicine
    3.Using antibiotics on animals and plants
    4.How bacteria can cause skin disease
    5.Medical research at the University of London

    C. Read the following statements about Dr. Fleming. Then re-read the text and mark them true or false. There is one statement for each paragraph.
    1.Fleming studied medicine at the University of London. ( )
    2.He wanted to find bacteria that was harmful to people. ( )
    3.He grew bacteria as part of his research. ( )
    4.He showed that antibiotics could kill people. ( )
    5.He was a great biochemist. ( )
    6.Penicillin helped in the discovery of other medicine. ( )

    D. The following words are underlined in the text. Read to find their meaning. Then circle the best answer.
    1. Bacteriology is the study of:
    a)skin disease. b)bacteria. c)harmful substance.
    2. An antibiotic is something that:
    a)kills germs. b)harms people. c)grows on plates.

    E. Choose the best answer to each of the following statements.
    1.Alexander Fleming’s brother:
    a) left him some money. b) lived in Scotland. c) was a doctor.
    2.In 1924, Fleming:
    a) began his research in bacteriology. b) continued his research in bacteriology. c) found a substance that killed bacteria.
    3.In 1928, Fleming:
    a) noticed something important. b) discovered penicillin. c) was studying mould.
    4.In 1940, penicillin was produced as a chemical substance:
    a) by a bacteriologist. b) by two biochemists. c) at the University of London.
    a) helped in other discoveries. b) can be used on plants. c) both of the above.

    F. Write short answers to these questions:
    1.How was Fleming able to pay for his studies at St. Mary’s Hospital?
    2.What kind of substance was Fleming looking for in his research?
    3.Why did Fleming grow bacteria on plates in his research?
    4.Why wasn’t Fleming able to produce penicillin as a medicine?
    5.Why did Fleming get the Nobel Prize?


    Write at least 8 lines (80 words) on the following topic:
    You are a student interested in studying engineering in the UK. Write a letter to the university about yourself. Include information about:
    school subjects you enjoyed and reasons for that.
    your interests.
    work experience during holidays.
    ambitions and future plans.
    Remember to layout your letter correctly.


    Write at least 8 lines (80 words) on one only of the following topics A or B.
    A. Qatar has seen changes in many fields recently. One aspect is hosting and organizing international conferences.Choose one of these conferences and write a letter to a local newspaper giving your opinion about it. Write about:
    what you think.
    how useful it is for the people of Qatar and the country.
    what suggestions could be given to the committee organizing this conference.
    • The World Trade Organization Conference. (WTO)
    • The Organization of The Islamic States. (OIS)

    B. Write about your childhood. These questions may help you.
    Where were you born?
    How many members are there in your family?
    What good or bad memories do you have of your childhood?
    What do you wish it would have been changed?


    A. Fill in the spaces with correct words from the box:
    industries tropical quantities natural evaporates
    1.The heat of the sun….. the surface water, turning it into water vapour.
    2.Two layers of gases in the earth’s atmosphere make sure that we get both light and heat in safe …………….
    3.In the modern world we depend on electricity to drive our ……………and to give light in our homes.
    4.Most of our medicinal plants come from …………….rain forests of South America, South East Asia and Africa.

    B. Circle the word or the phrase that best carry the meaning of the underlined word.
    1.The banoosh has been a familiar sight along the Gulf coast for centuries.
    a.pleasant. b.common. c.unusual. d.sailing
    2.Some birds, for instance, eat their own body weight of food everyday.
    a.for pleasure. b.for food. c.for hunger. d.for example.
    3.Fortunately, we found a good hotel immediately.
    a.happily. b.luckily. c.plentifully. d.completely.
    4.English adds a prefix or suffix to the stem of a word that already exists.
    a.the common part to all forms of a word.
    b.a group of letters added to the beginning of a word.
    c.a group of letters added to the end of a word.
    d.the word that carries the main idea.

    C. Fill in the spaces with the right words:
    Some …………….. are so careless. They drive too fast. They talk all the……………….and don’t look at the ………………they don’t follow the ………………rules. That’s why they cause ………………

    D. Write the opposites for these words.
    1. for ≠
    2. refuse ≠
    3. future ≠
    4. mend ≠
    5. learn ≠


    A. Circle the correct answer:
    1. Do you want any of this food?
    Yes, but I don’t want (some , much , many).
    2. There are no buses here now, so we (have to , mustn’t ,needn’t) walk to the office.
    3. Traveling by train is expensive nowadays, but traveling by plane is (most expensive , more expensive , expensiver).
    4. I asked him where (does he work , is he working , he works).

    B. Choose the word or phrase that best complete the sentence:
    1.They have been living here …………….
    a. since five years.
    b. five years ago.
    c. for five years.
    d. last five years.
    2.We’re writing our essays this week and …………… hand ………….. in next week.
    a. we’ll ……… it
    b. they’ll ……… them
    c. we’ll ………they
    d. we’ll ……… them
    3.He’ll accept the job, …………. the salary is too low.
    a. if
    b. unless
    c. that’s why
    d. because
    4.Laila …………. drive a Ferrari, but she doesn’t any more.
    a. she used
    b. is using to
    c. used to
    d. was to

    1. Join these two sentences:
    a. We should send our friends some cards. These cards have some pictures.
    b. There was a traffic jam. It took us an hour to reach home.
    c. The electric power went out. Millions of people were watching the game on TV.
    2. Complete:
    a. Last night I arrived home too late that ……………………….
    b. If I had seen the fire, …………………………………………

    Complete with the best form of the verb in brackets
    Barry ( look ) ……………… in the shop window at the motorbike. He (look at ) ………………….it for the past two weeks. He ( want ) ………… it, but he ( not know ) ………………. if he could afford it. He didn’t know what his father ( say ) ………………….., either.


    A. Translate into Arabic
    People believe that we should explore space simply because we have the means to do so, while scientists hope that space exploration will answer many questions about the universe, such as how the sun, the planets and the stars were formed and whether life exists else where. They believe that space is one big laboratory for experiments. The first satellite carried scientific instruments which were used to measure things like magnetism and radiation around the earth. Later, space stations where scientists work for some months were lunched.

    B. Translate into English
    يلعــب الكــمـبـيـوتــر دوراً هاماً في حياتــنا الـيــومـيـة لذلك يجــب أن نتـعلم كــيف نــســتخــدمه.
    يعتقـد بـعض الآباء أنه يجـب أن يـكــون لـلأبـنـاء قــدراً كــبـيـراً مــن الحـرية فـي اخـتـيـار مـســتقـبـلـهــم.
    تـهـتـم الحــكــومــة اهــتـماماً كــبـيـراً بـالأطـــفــال, فـهـم شــبـاب الـغـد وقـادة الـمـســـتـقـبـل.

      مواضيع مماثلة


      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو 20.05.24 22:05